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The Birthplace of Rivers Bracelet is a unique and beautiful piece of jewelry that is handmade with care and attention to detail. It represents the love and respect for water and the community that comes together to protect it. The bracelet features stones that represent each of the Eight Rivers in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, making it a great way to show your support for the environment. This bracelet is perfect for anyone who is passionate about water and wants to make a statement about their commitment to preserving our planet. Whether you're a water warrior or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, the Eight Rivers Bracelet is a must-have accessory.


Nothing is more persistent and free than a river, ever flowing towards something greater. Eight very special rivers are born in Pocahontas County, WV and as a seventh-generation resident, Blair Campbell designed these bracelets for each of them & YOU!


These are for the keepers of clean water, true lovers of adventure, and for the ones who have persevered.


Think Free, Act Free, Love Free, Be Free!

Birthplace of Rivers Bracelet

Excluding VAT |
  • Handmade in Appalaica. 

(304) 992-9119
64 Clark St.
Hillsboro, WV 24946,
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